Engineering - Ports and costal developments
Calculations, Design, Expertise | Diagnosis, Technical Assistance...

Our services
- Hydrodynamic studies
- Marine hydraulic studies
- Port development studies
- Studies of pipelines / cables / intakes / outfalls
- Waterfront development studies
- Expertise, diagnosis, construction follow-up, technical assistance
In addition to or independently of the model testing services, Oceanide carries out engineering studies in the maritime field on behalf of public and private clients. It is involved at each stage of a project, from preliminary studies to construction follow-up. Its specialists rely on powerful numerical tools and experience gained during model testing and on site. Their expertise covers in particular the following areas:
- Design of port structures, breakwaters and subsea pipelines,
- Marine hydraulics: wave and current transfer to coastal area, morphodynamics, effluent plume,
- Hydrodynamics of structures: seakeeping, transportation, installation, mooring,
- Port layout, navigation, dredging, underkeel clearance...
Marine Hydraulics Studies

Area | Client | Project |
Currents, effluent plume | IDRA Environnement | Piriac-sur-mer - Dumped dredged sediment plume study |
Wave disturbance, currents, underkeel clearance, airgap... | BP | Aquarius –FEED for the overhaul of Frontignan white product import offloading terminal |
Wave transfer to coastal area | TECHNIP | Arzew Terminal – Agitation study for the design of a breakwater |
Coastline change | Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole | Studies for the protection of the north beach of St. Marie-de-la-mer, France |
Wave and current transfer to coastal area, sediment transport | RTE | Fecamp and Courseulles Wind farms – Wave and current conditions and sediment transport studies along the route of the electrical cables |
Port development studies

Area | Client | Project |
Commercial harbors | Region Languedoc Roussillon | Project Grand Port of Port-la-Nouvelle - Feasibility study based on numerical and physical modelling |
Marinas | CCI Ajaccio | Extension study of Tino Rossi's Marina |
Oil&Gas terminals | BP | Aquarius – FEED for the overhaul of Frontignan white product import offloading terminal |
Design of marine works | Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque / Arcadis | Detailed design of rubble mound structures for the LNG terminal protectionr |
Design of marine works | Port Sud de France | Sizing pontoons for the Port of Saint-Clair, Sète, France |
Studies of pipelines, cables, intakes or outfalls

Area | Client | Project |
Installation | GEOSEL | GMS2 pipe section replacement operation engineering, Berre's pond, France |
Design | GEOSTOCK | Repair /replacement detailed engineering studies for GSM1 and GSM2 pipelines sections |
Routing | GDF | Study of the transfer of the storage activity of petroleum products to another location and associated layout |
Stability | SPSE | Stability study of pipeline PL1 in La Durance river, France |
Wind farm cables | EMF | Fécamp, Courseulles and Saint-Nazaire Wind farms - Cables stability and protection study |
Waterfront development studies

Area | Client | Project |
Protection against submergence | City of Cannes | Beach of la Croisette - Waterfront development study |
Protection against submergence | CG06 | RD98 road: submarine breakwater and shore protection study |
Protection against erosion | City of Hyères | Study for the protection of Ceinturon's beaches |
Protection against erosion | SAN Ouest Provence | Study for the protection of Fos-sur-mer's beaches |
Costal development | City of Toulon | Development study of the Mourillon's beach |
Expertise, diagnosis, construction follow-up, technical assistance

Area | Client | Project |
Technical assistance | GPMM | Drydock n°10 door - Third-Party review of hydrodynamic studies |
Construction follow-up | City of Bandol | Pontoon replacement and breakwaters repair |
Technical assistance | Region Languedoc-Roussillon | Grand Port project of Port-La-Nouvelle – Third-Party review of contractor's hydraulic studies |
Construction follow-up | City of Sanary | Repair of breakwaters |
Diagnosis | Accoast | Technical diagnosis of Levant’s quay in Beaulieu |